[tex4ht] usage with pdftex

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 16:14:57 CEST 2010

Radhakrishnan CV said the following at 08/13/2010 12:04 AM :

>> Do you have a feel for the extent this will require LaTex as opposed
>> to plain TeX? I notice that you explicitly say "LaTeX", so I'm
>> guessing that this really isn't likely to work with plain TeX. But I
>> thought I'd ask anyway.
> Translating plain TeX to html is a bit scary. You might have noticed,
> Eitan depends on ams preprint package to process plain TeX files. LaTeX
> provides a standard markup which is predictable and that is important
> for any conversion process. Yes, I would say, LaTeX is needed for
> effective translation or should follow macro packages like eplain, which
> again standardizes the text content.

Yes, that's exactly what I thought would be the case; I had a faint hope
that there was some kind of magic possible that would mean that markup
wouldn't be so important, but I never really expected any other answer than
the one you gave.

>> (All my books are plain TeX... except the one where I allowed myself
>> to be talked into Word. Never again :-) )
> Do you follow a custom plain TeX macro package for all your work? In
> that case, we can create a custom configuration for TeX4ht that will do
> the job for all your work without hassles.

You are far too generous to even think of making an offer like that. It's
my problem, and I'll work on the solution; I would never presume to ask for
you to spend time on creating a custom configuration of TeX4ht.

Just to answer the question, though, I suppose I do have a custom macro
package, although I never think of it as such. (I think of it as bunch of
life-simplifying hacks that I have accumulated over the years; every time I
need a new macro for a book, it goes into the collection that gets imported
into future books, in case I want to do the same thing again.)

I spent most of yesterday understanding how epub works and playing with the
sigil epub editor, using an HTML from the texht macro you sent. A few new
TeX macros and a bit of back-end fiddling with the HTML output will
probably do all that I can reasonably expect from epub. I'll work on it a
it a bit and see how it turns out.


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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