[tex4ht-commits] [SCM] tex4ht updated: r207 - trunk/lit

michal_h21 at gnu.org.ua michal_h21 at gnu.org.ua
Fri Dec 2 09:47:33 CET 2016

Author: michal_h21
Date: 2016-12-02 10:47:33 +0200 (Fri, 02 Dec 2016)
New Revision: 207

Fixed multirow support

Modified: trunk/lit/ChangeLog
--- trunk/lit/ChangeLog	2016-11-27 21:48:35 UTC (rev 206)
+++ trunk/lit/ChangeLog	2016-12-02 08:47:33 UTC (rev 207)
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 2016-11-27  Michal Hoftich  <michal.h21 at gmail.com>
+	* tex4ht-4ht.tex (multirow.4ht): fixed support for package multirow
+2016-11-27  Michal Hoftich  <michal.h21 at gmail.com>
 	* mktex4ht-cnf.tex: added requests for fontspec
 	* Makefile: added mktex4ht-cnf.tex as dependency for tex4ht-cond4ht.tex

Modified: trunk/lit/Makefile
--- trunk/lit/Makefile	2016-11-27 21:48:35 UTC (rev 206)
+++ trunk/lit/Makefile	2016-12-02 08:47:33 UTC (rev 207)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 tex4ht_4ht_derived = \
   algorithmic.4ht biblatex.4ht book.4ht frenchb.4ht \
   geometry.4ht graphicx.4ht hyperref.4ht latex.4ht lettrine.4ht listings.4ht \
-  memoir.4ht multicol.4ht quoting.4ht reading.4ht \
+  memoir.4ht multicol.4ht multirow.4ht quoting.4ht reading.4ht \
   scrartcl.4ht scrbook.4ht scrreprt.4ht spanish.4ht subscript.4ht \
   titlesec.4ht tocloft.4ht wrapfig.4ht usepackage.4ht fontspec.4ht \
 	xetex-fontspec.4ht fontspec-4ht.lua

Modified: trunk/lit/tex4ht-4ht.tex
--- trunk/lit/tex4ht-4ht.tex	2016-11-27 21:48:35 UTC (rev 206)
+++ trunk/lit/tex4ht-4ht.tex	2016-12-02 08:47:33 UTC (rev 207)
@@ -9155,18 +9155,41 @@
 >>>        \AddFile{9}{multirow}
 \<multirow hooks\><<<
-  \@tempdima\@tempcnta\ht\@arstrutbox
-  \advance\@tempdima\@tempcnta\dp\@arstrutbox
-  \ifnum\@tempcnta<0\@tempdima=-\@tempdima\fi
-  \advance\@tempdima#2\bigstrutjot
-  \leavevmode \a:multirow
-  \if*#3\vtop to \@tempdima{\vfill\multirowsetup
-    \hbox{\strut#5\strut}\vfill}%
+  \expandafter\multirow at piii#3\relax\end%
+  \multirow at dima=#2\ht\@arstrutbox
+  \advance\multirow at dima#2\dp\@arstrutbox
+  \ifdim#2pt<\z@\multirow at dima=-\multirow at dima\fi
+  \advance\multirow at dima \multirow at cntb\bigstrutjot
+  \if*#4\multirow at vbox{#1}{}{\hbox{\strut#6\strut}}%
+  \else \if=#4\multirow at setcolwidth{#6}%
+    \multirow at vbox{#1}{\hsize\multirow at colwidth\@parboxrestore}{\strut#6\strut\par}%
+  \else \multirow at vbox{#1}{\hsize#4\@parboxrestore}{\strut#6\strut\par}%
+  \fi \fi
+  \ifdim#2pt>\z@
+    \if#1t\relax\multirow at dima=\ht0\else
+      \multirow at dima=\ht\@arstrutbox
+      \ifmultirow at prefixt \advance\multirow at dima\bigstrutjot\fi
+      \if#1b\relax \advance\multirow at dima\dp\@arstrutbox
+        \ifmultirow at prefixb \advance\multirow at dima\bigstrutjot\fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
-      \vtop to \@tempdima{\hsize#3\@parboxrestore
-                \vfill \multirowsetup \strut#5\strut\par\vfill}%
-  \fi \b:multirow}
+    \if#1b\relax\else
+      \advance\multirow at dima-\dp\@arstrutbox
+      \ifmultirow at prefixb \advance\multirow at dima-\bigstrutjot\fi
+      \if#1t\relax\advance\multirow at dima-\ht\@arstrutbox
+        \ifmultirow at prefixt \advance\multirow at dima-\bigstrutjot\fi
+        \advance\multirow at dima\ht0
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \advance\multirow at dima#5\relax
+  \leavevmode\a:multirow
+  \setbox0\vtop{\vskip-\multirow at dima\box0\vss}\dp0=\z@
+  \ifmultirowdebug{\showboxdepth=5 \showboxbreadth=10 \showbox0}\fi
+  \box0\b:multirow

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