[tex4ht-commits] [SCM] tex4ht updated: r58 - trunk/doc/mn

karl at gnu.org.ua karl at gnu.org.ua
Mon Sep 13 02:17:25 CEST 2010

Author: karl
Date: 2010-09-13 03:17:25 +0300 (Mon, 13 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 58


Modified: trunk/doc/mn/Makefile
--- trunk/doc/mn/Makefile	2010-09-13 00:16:47 UTC (rev 57)
+++ trunk/doc/mn/Makefile	2010-09-13 00:17:25 UTC (rev 58)
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+tex = tex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error
-	chmod -R a+rwX .
-	tex mn && tex mn && tex mn
+#	chmod -R a+rwX .  # as received from OSU
+	rm -f *.aux *.toc *.lof *.lot *.xref* *.tmp *.out *.4ct
+	$(tex) mn && $(tex) mn && $(tex) mn
 	tex4ht mn
-	t4ht mn
+	t4ht mn           # cvr found some mk4ht.4ht needed at one point
+	rm -f *.zip       # we don't care

Modified: trunk/doc/mn/TeX4ht-doc.tex
--- trunk/doc/mn/TeX4ht-doc.tex	2010-09-13 00:16:47 UTC (rev 57)
+++ trunk/doc/mn/TeX4ht-doc.tex	2010-09-13 00:17:25 UTC (rev 58)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 \immediate\write16{!!!!!!needs: TWO COMPILATIONS to get correct index!!!!!!!!}
 \immediate\write16{!!!!!!checkmn in-messages out-clean-messages!!!!!!!!}
-gowww\immediate\write16{!!!!!!cd /home/httpd/html/applications/tex4ht!!!!!!!!}
+\immediate\write16{!!!!!!cd /home/httpd/html/applications/tex4ht!!!!!!!!}
 \immediate\write16{!!!!!!lynx http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/\string ~gurari/tex4ht/tex4ht-all.zip}
@@ -3345,7 +3345,14 @@
 \Part{TeX4ht: LaTeX and TeX for Hypertext}
+\TeX4ht was created by Eitan Gurari at Ohio State University. Eitan died
+unexpectedly in June 2009; we dedicate future development to his memory.
+The new \TeX4ht home page is http://tug.org/tex4ht.  Please see that
+page for current development information.  Work towards a first release
+is underway, but will take time to complete.  Please forgive broken
+links and other problems with this documentation in the meantime.
 \TeX4ht is a highly configurable \TeX-based authoring system 
 dedicated mainly to 
 produce hypertext. It interacts with \TeX-based applications through
@@ -3356,9 +3363,10 @@
 Pre-tailored configurations are offered for different
 \Link[\jobname-commands.html]{}{}output formats\EndLink{}, including
-(X)HTML, MathML, OpenDocument, and DocBook.  This document and the utility code
-are available for downloading in \Link[tex4ht-all.zip]{}{}zipped
+(X)HTML, MathML, OpenDocument, and DocBook. 
+%This document and the utility code
+%are available for downloading in \Link[tex4ht-all.zip]{}{}zipped
 % (alternative sites: \Link[\WWW
 % tex4ht-all.zip]{}{}osu\EndLink \tugOnOff{, \Link[\tugHOME
@@ -4268,11 +4276,8 @@
-%This is an incorrect site for the bug fixes home page. 
-Please proceed
-to \Link[\WWW bugfixes.html]{}{}osu\EndLink{} or
-\Link[\tugHOME bugfixes.html]{}{}tug\EndLink.
+The next release is in preparation.  See http://tug.org/tex4ht
+for current status and information.
@@ -4287,17 +4292,14 @@
     option2}" "{\it options3}" "{\it options4}"}'.  For instance,
-htlatex  filename
-htlatex  filename "html,2,info"  "dbcs/!"
-htlatex  filename "foo,frames"   ""            "-p"
-htlatex  filename ""             " -ciso2htf"  ""   "-translate-file=il2-pl"
-xhlatex  filename 
-mzlatex  filename 
-oolatex  filename 
+htlatex  filename  # generate HTML
+xhlatex  filename  # generate XHTML
-In some platforms the double quotes should be replaced with  single
-right-quotes, and in some cases they might be omitted.
+% (since these are not in current TL, leave them out for now; should restore)
+% mzlatex  filename  # XHTML with MathML
+% oolatex  filename  # OpenOffice XML with MathML
+% dbmlatex filename  # Docbook XML with MathML
 For details, visit the
 \NextFile{\jobname-commands.html}\HPage<hts>{calling commands}
@@ -5120,15 +5122,15 @@
 % \Picture{http://www.awl.com/coverimage/0201433117.jpg align="right"}
- M.~Goosen and
+ M.~Goossens and
  S.~Rahtz with E.~Gurari, R.~Moore, and R.~Sutor,
- {\sl The La\TeX{} Web Companion}, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
+ {\sl The \LaTeX{} Web Companion}, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
-Fabrice Popineau,
-\Link[http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/37-popineau.pdf]{}{}{\sl Affichez vos documents \LaTeX{} sur le Web avec \TeX4ht}\EndLink,
-              GUTenberg 37--38, December 2000, 5--43 (French, PDF).
+% doa
+% \item
+% Fabrice Popineau,
+% \Link[http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/37-popineau.pdf]{}{}{\sl Affichez vos documents \LaTeX{} sur le Web avec \TeX4ht}\EndLink,
+% Cahiers GUTenberg 37--38, December 2000, 5--43 (French, PDF).
 Gustavo Cevolani,
@@ -10990,23 +10992,21 @@
-I am very grateful for the suggestions, contributions, and bug reports
+Eitan gratefully acknowledges the suggestions, contributions, and bug reports
 offered by many people. In particular, thanks go to Carmen Fierro,
 Piotr Grabowski, Gertjan Klein, Sebastian Rahtz, and Philip Viton for
 extensive feedback and help at early stages of this project.
 This work was partially sponsored by NSF grant IIS-0312487.
-\Sign{Eitan M. Gurari\HCode{<br />}\Link
-    [mailto:gurari at cse.ohio-state.edu]{}{}gurari at cse.ohio-state.edu\EndLink
-   {}}{\ifcase \month \or
+   {\ifcase \month \or
    January \or February \or March \or April \or May \or June \or July
    \or August \or September \or October \or November \or December \fi
    \the\day, \the\year}
 % \IgnorePar\EndP \Tg<hr />
 % \TableOfContents[DocPart]

Modified: trunk/doc/mn/index.html
--- trunk/doc/mn/index.html	2010-09-13 00:16:47 UTC (rev 57)
+++ trunk/doc/mn/index.html	2010-09-13 00:17:25 UTC (rev 58)
@@ -1,462 +1 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> 
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
-  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">  
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"  
-    <title>mn.html</title> 
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> 
-<meta name="generator" content="TeX4ht (http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/)" /> 
-<meta name="originator" content="TeX4ht (http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/)" /> 
-<!-- xhtml,th4,index --> 
-<meta name="src" content="mn.tex" /> 
-<meta name="date" content="2007-12-14 13:52:00" /> 
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mn.css" /> 
-    <h1 class="PartHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-1"></a>TeX4ht: LaTeX and TeX for Hypertext</h1>
-<!--l. 2889--><p class="noindent" >TeX4ht is a highly configurable TeX-based authoring system dedicated mainly to produce hypertext. It interacts
-with TeX-based applications through style files and postprocessors, leaving the processing of the source files to the
-native TeX compiler. Consequently, TeX4ht can handle the features of TeX-based systems in general, and of the
-LaTeX and AMS style files in particular.
-</p><!--l. 2897--><p class="indent" >    Pre-tailored configurations are offered for different <a 
- href="mn-commands.html" >output formats</a>, including (X)HTML, MathML,
-OpenDocument, and DocBook. This document and the utility code are available for downloading in <a 
- href="tex4ht-all.zip" >zipped
-    <div class="TableOfContents"><span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="mn2.html#QQ1-2-2"  name="QQ2-2-2">Table of Contents</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="#QQ1-1-32"  name="QQ2-1-32">Using the System</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="mn-commands.html#QQ1-9-33"  name="QQ2-9-33">Calling Commands</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="mn11.html#QQ1-11-50"  name="QQ2-11-50">Configurations</a>
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="#QQ1-1-66"  name="QQ2-1-66">Installation</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="#QQ1-1-81"  name="QQ2-1-81">Bug Reports</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="#QQ1-1-82"  name="QQ2-1-82">Resources</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="#QQ1-1-93"  name="QQ2-1-93">License</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="#QQ1-1-94"  name="QQ2-1-94">Acknowledgment</a> <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x2219;</span> <a 
- href="mn-index.html#QQ1-60-95"  name="QQ2-60-95">Index</a>
-    </div>
-<!--l. 2952--><p class="noindent" ><a 
- href="mn3.html"  name="mn3.html" >trouble shooting</a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">| </span><a 
- href="mn5.html"  name="mn5.html" >Q/A</a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">| </span><a 
- href="mn6.html"  name="mn6.html" >common problems for MathML</a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">| </span>.log files of the compilations <span 
-class="cmtt-10">| </span><span class="bugfixes"><a 
- href="bugfixes.html" >bug fixes</a></span>
-    <h2 class="ChapterHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-32"></a>Using the System</h2><div class="TableOfContents">
-    </div>
-<!--l. 3862--><p class="indent" >    Typical LaTeX source files can be compiled into standard HTML and XML formats in a manner similar to the
-way they are compiled into print formats, namely, through variations of the command  <a 
-  name="index1-32001"></a>&#8216;<span 
-class="cmtt-10">htlatex </span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">" "</span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">" "</span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">" "</span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">"</span>&#8217;. For instance,
-</p><div class="Verbatim"><span 
-<br /><span 
-<br /><span 
-<br /><span 
-<br /><span 
-<br /><span 
-<br /><span 
-<br /></div>
-<!--l. 3878--><p class="indent" >    In some platforms the double quotes should be replaced with single right-quotes, and in some cases they might
-be omitted.
-</p><!--l. 3881--><p class="indent" >    For details, visit the <a 
- href="mn-commands.html"  name="mn-commands.html" >calling commands</a> section.
-    <h3 class="SubSectionHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-49"></a>References</h3>
-<!--l. 4645--><p class="noindent" >The main features of TeX4ht are described in:
-</p><ul >
-<li>M.&#x00A0;Goosen and S.&#x00A0;Rahtz with E.&#x00A0;Gurari, R.&#x00A0;Moore, and R.&#x00A0;Sutor, <span 
-class="cmti-10">The LaTeX Web Companion</span>, Addison-Wesley,
-1999. </li>
-<li>Fabrice Popineau, <a 
- href="http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/37-popineau.pdf" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">Affichez vos documents LaTeX sur le Web avec TeX4ht</span></a>, Cahiers GUTenberg 37&#8211;38, December
-2000, 5&#8211;43 (French, PDF). </li>
-<li>Gustavo Cevolani, <a 
- href="http://www.guit.sssup.it/guitmeeting/2005/articoli/cevolani.pdf" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">Introduzione a TeX4ht</span></a>, Proceedings of the 2004 Italian TUG meeting. </li>
- href="mn11.html"  name="mn11.html" >Within</a> the current document. </li>
- href="http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/publications.html" >Conference presentations</a></li></ul>
-    <h2 class="ChapterHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-66"></a>Installation</h2><div class="TableOfContents">
-    </div>
-<!--l. 6392--><p class="indent" >    To be installed, the system needs a port made up of native utilities of TeX4ht and of non-native
-utilities. The easiest way to establish an up to date port is to download an <a 
- href="mn26.html"  name="mn26.html" >installed distribution</a> of the system, and <a 
- href="mn-upgrade.html"  name="mn-upgrade.html" >upgrade</a> it with the files provided here.
-</p><!--l. 6834--><p class="indent" >    Establishing ports from scratch for <a 
- href="mn-unix.html"  name="mn-unix.html" >Unix</a> and <a 
- href="mn-mswin.html"  name="mn-mswin.html" >MS Windows</a> require additional effort, mainly because of the need to set up non-native utilities. Alternative ports for these
-and other platforms can be tailored in a <a 
- href="mn-port.html"  name="mn-port.html" >similar manner</a>. The distribution assumes compilations through command lines but <a 
- href="mn43.html"  name="mn43.html" >graphical user inferfaces</a> may also be employed.
-</p><!--l. 8799--><p class="indent" >    Philip A. Viton discusses in details issues of installing TeX4ht under <a 
- href="http://facweb.knowlton.ohio-state.edu/pviton/support/tex4ht.html" >MikTeX</a> and <a 
- href="http://facweb.knowlton.ohio-state.edu/pviton/support/swpht.html" >Scientific Word/WorkPlace</a>,
-but many of the topics apply also to other platforms. Steven Zeil offers <a 
- href="http://www.cs.odu.edu/~zeil/tex4ht/tex4ht_discussion.html" target="_blank" >improvements</a> for the above
-</p><!--l. 8811--><p class="indent" >    The <a 
- href="tex4ht-lit.zip" >literate sources</a> of TeX4ht are also available, but they are not needed for installing the system. The literate
-views are very far from being in a desirable state for a review by a public eye&#8211;they reflect their true nature as being
-privately used for developing and maintaining the available code. The views follow a basement mentality: throw in
-without much scrutiny any item of possible value at some point of time, and clean a corner when the need arises for
-working on a specific issue of the code. The leading lines in the files indicate how the files can be
-</p><!--l. 8823--><p class="noindent" ><a 
- href="mn3.html#trbl-sht">trouble shooting</a><span class="cmtt-10">| </span><span class="bugfixes"><a 
- href="bugfixes.html" >bug fixes</a></span>
-    <h2 class="ChapterHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-81"></a>Bug Reports</h2><div class="TableOfContents">
-    </div>
-<!--l. 8833--><p class="indent" >    The development of the TeX4ht system is to a large degree driven by users&#8217; bug reports and requests. In most
-cases, when providing feedback, it is essential to include the following information.
-</p><!--l. 8839--><p class="indent" >
-</p><ul >
-<li>A <a 
- href="mn-bug.html"  name="mn-bug.html" >minimal</a> miniature complete source file illustrating the issues involved, but do not include bitmap files loaded
-by the sources (e.g., PNG files). Since similar constructs are introduced within different style files, a
-minimal source is required for correctly pinpointing the definitions of the constructs involved in the
-<!--l. 8886--><p class="noindent" ></p></li>
-<li>A mentioning of the command used to invoke the translation. This information is required since the command
-determines which configurations participate in the translation.
-<!--l. 8890--><p class="noindent" ></p></li>
-<li>Occasionally it might also be useful to have an URL to a public domain where the files and messages produced
-during the compilation can be viewed. Unless explicitly requested to to do so, please don&#8217;t email such
-    </li></ul>
-<!--l. 8900--><p class="indent" >    Translations of source files are centered around logical structures. Formatting instructions receive only limited
-    <h2 class="ChapterHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-82"></a>Resources</h2><div class="TableOfContents">
-    </div>
-    <table id="TBL-14"  
-><tr   style="vertical-align:top;" >
-> Languages: </td><td 
- href="mn46.html"  name="mn46.html" >LaTeX/TeX</a>, <a 
- href="mn47.html"  name="mn47.html" >HTML</a>, <a 
- href="mn48.html"  name="mn48.html" >XML/XSLT</a>, <a 
- href="mn49.html"  name="mn49.html" >MathML</a>, <a 
- href="mn50.html"  name="mn50.html" >OpenDocument</a>, <a 
- href="mn51.html"  name="mn51.html" >DocBook</a>, <a 
- href="mn52.html"  name="mn52.html" >TEI</a>, <a 
- href="mn53.html"  name="mn53.html" >Style Sheets</a>, <a 
- href="mn54.html"  name="mn54.html" >DTDs</a>, <a 
- href="mn55.html"  name="mn55.html" >Validators</a> </td></tr><tr   style="vertical-align:top;" >
->Converters<br />into<br />HTML/XML: </td><td 
-<div class="converters">
-    <a 
- href="http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/norman/distrib/bibhtml.html" target="_blank" >BibHTML</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-1"  name="mn56-1" >1</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/TeX/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtools/bib2html" target="_blank" >Bib2HTML</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-2"  name="mn56-2" >2</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.shelldorado.com/scripts/cmds/bib2html.txt" target="_blank" >Bib2HTML</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-3"  name="mn56-3" >3</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.spinellis.gr/sw/textproc/bib2xhtml/" target="_blank" >Bib2XHTML</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-4"  name="mn56-4" >4</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bib2ml" target="_blank" >Bib2ML</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-5"  name="mn56-5" >5</a></sup>,
- href="http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/index.en.html" target="_blank" >BibTeX2HTML</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-6"  name="mn56-6" >6</a></sup>,
- href="http://www.blahtex.org/" target="_blank" >BibTeX2HTML</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-7"  name="mn56-7" >7</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.mostang.com/%7Edavidm/dlh.html" target="_blank" >Dlh</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-8"  name="mn56-8" >8</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://math.albany.edu:8000/math/pers/hammond/igl.html" target="_blank" >GELLMU</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-9"  name="mn56-9" >9</a></sup>,
- href="http://www.aei.mpg.de/hermes/" target="_blank" >Hermes</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-10"  name="mn56-10" >10</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://para.inria.fr/~maranget/hevea" target="_blank" >HEVEA</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-11"  name="mn56-11" >11</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.gams.com/contrib/htex/htex.htm" target="_blank" >HTeX</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-12"  name="mn56-12" >12</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www-db.stanford.edu/~sergey/htmltex/" target="_blank" >HtmlTeX</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-13"  name="mn56-13" >13</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.southernct.edu/~fields/htmx/" target="_blank" >HTMX</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-14"  name="mn56-14" >14</a></sup>,
- href="http://hyperlatex.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank" >HyperLaTeX</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-15"  name="mn56-15" >15</a></sup>,
- href="http://xxx.lanl.gov/hypertex/" target="_blank" >HyperTeX</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-16"  name="mn56-16" >16</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://pear.math.pitt.edu/mathzilla/itex2mmlItex.html" target="_blank" >Itex2mml</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-17"  name="mn56-17" >17</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/" target="_blank" >LaTeXML</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-18"  name="mn56-18" >18</a></sup>,
- href="http://www.tug.org/mailman/listinfo/latex2html" target="_blank" >LaTeX2HTML</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-19"  name="mn56-19" >19</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/support/latex2man/latex2man.html" target="_blank" >LaTeX2man</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-20"  name="mn56-20" >20</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eric.chopin/latex/latex_subset.htm" target="_blank" >LaTeX4Web</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-21"  name="mn56-21" >21</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://yum.math.hmc.edu/ctan/support/ltoh/readme.html" target="_blank" >Ltoh</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-22"  name="mn56-22" >22</a></sup>, <a 
- href="ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/support/ltx2x/ltx2x.html" target="_blank" >Ltx2x</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-23"  name="mn56-23" >23</a></sup>,
- href="http://www.mathtran.org/index.html" target="_blank" >MathTran</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-24"  name="mn56-24" >24</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.micropress-inc.com/webb/wbstart.htm" target="_blank" > MicroPress TeXpider</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-25"  name="mn56-25" >25</a></sup>,
- href="http://www.orcca.on.ca/MathML/projects.html" target="_blank" >ORCCA</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-26"  name="mn56-26" >26</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://plastex.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank" >plasTeX</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-27"  name="mn56-27" >27</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://richdoc.sourceforge.net/doc/en/html/index.html" target="_blank" >RichDoc</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-28"  name="mn56-28" >28</a></sup>,
- href="http://dione.zcu.cz/~toman40/selathco/" target="_blank" >Selathco</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-29"  name="mn56-29" >29</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://web.informatik.uni-bonn.de/~zach/vim/index.html" target="_blank" >TeX2HTML</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-30"  name="mn56-30" >30</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/dorai/tex2page/tex2page-doc.html" target="_blank" >TeX2Page</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-31"  name="mn56-31" >31</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/tex2rtf/" target="_blank" >TeX2RTF</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-32"  name="mn56-32" >32</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.cmt.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~M.Sakurai/java/sdoc/index-e.html" target="_blank" >tex2sdoc</a> <sup><a 
- href="mn56.html#mn56-33"  name="mn56-33" >33</a></sup>, <a 
- href="http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~obachman/Texi2html/" target="_blank" >Texi2HTML</a>
- href="mn56.html#mn56-34"  name="mn56-34" >34</a></sup>, <a 
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-    <h2 class="ChapterHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-93"></a>License</h2><div class="TableOfContents">
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-    TeX4ht is provided under the <a 
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-    <h2 class="ChapterHead"><a 
-  name="QQ1-1-94"></a>Acknowledgment</h2><div class="TableOfContents">
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-    I am very grateful for the suggestions, contributions, and bug reports offered by many people. In particular,
-thanks go to Carmen Fierro, Piotr Grabowski, Gertjan Klein, Sebastian Rahtz, and Philip Viton for extensive
-feedback and help at early stages of this project.
-    This work was partially sponsored by NSF grant IIS-0312487.
-    <div class="SIGN"><span class="cmti-10">Eitan M. Gurari</span><br /><a 
- href="mailto:gurari at cse.ohio-state.edu" ><span class="cmti-10">gurari at cse.ohio-state.edu</span></a><br /><span class="cmti-10">December 14, 2007</span></div> 
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