Creating a Chocolatey Package For TexLive

Naveen M K naveen at
Fri Sep 11 07:17:55 CEST 2020

It would be good to have a Chocolatey Package( as discussed in previous emails. Chocolatey is a NuGet based package manager for Windows. I recently created one(working on it) for TinyTex and had previous discussions on that.

> So a package manager for Windows. Sounds like a good idea, but only if it also does proper "uninstall" support ;-)
As Norbert said, yes it have proper support for it. There is a script that handles the uninstalls, it is called `chocolateyUninstall.ps1` a PowerShell script. More information about Creating chocolatey packages are
One thing which can be done is to make binaries so that everything is downloaded in one go and not live how `install-tl` does. But we should make sure that the checksums of files that are downloaded are correct because there are more strict on that and fail the installation if they don't match. (Discussed in the previous thread).

There are some naming conventions there. For example, if we were to create a package called `texlive` then the user can install the portable version if one exists using `texlive.portable` namespace.
After creating a package and publishing to them, the users would need to install chocolatey and the type `choco install texlive` for installing Texlive or `choco install texlive.portable` to install the portable version of Texlive. Possible the naming convention of package id as described would be to name as in other package managers(like apt). 

Also, the package itself can contain stuff that needs to be installed if we could make it out in 200MB(That's the max size of a chocolatey package). Or if it goes larger than that we can get from internet URL.

We can make it do its job automatically(We would need to specify where is should look for stuff).

I personally being a Windows user like to install using Chocolatey also I would be happy if texlive is installed through that.


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