[EXT] Re: xdvipdfmx-20200116 : additional q/Q bracket around BT...ET

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Thu Mar 5 13:25:45 CET 2020

A comment from a user :

> * If I understand your comments below correctly,
>    the fake-bold feature is no longer important.

I rely on fake-bold, as not all fonts include a bold variant.  In 
Photoshop I can add a stroke to simulate bold weight, but in XeTeX I 
need to rely on "embolden=<real>".

> I think we need to warn everyone not to use fake-bold toghther
> with the text clipping, but that would be safe enough as it makes
> no difference between TeX Live 2019 and TeX Live 2020.

To the best of my knowledge I have never had occasion to use text 
clipping with XeTeX, but this does not mean that I might not want to use 
it in the future.  If I can use only one of faux-bold and text clipping 
at a time, that is probably sufficient.

Philip Taylor

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