xdvipdfmx-20200116 : additional q/Q bracket around BT...ET

Hironobu Yamashita h.y.acetaminophen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 02:20:39 CET 2020


ZW> If the behaviour depends on the PDF viewer then some viewers interpret
ZW> PDF incorrectly.

SH> If some viewers behave differently then it can simply mean
SH> that there is a bug in such viewers.

I see; let's forget about the incorrect behavior of viewers.

SH> Let me explain the original problem: My version of fake-bold patch adds a
SH> q-Q block around the text section BT-ET, but as this q-Q block recovers the
SH> graphics state saved by "q" at the execution of "Q" operator, clipping path
SH> added in the BT-ET section is discarded. This is why my patch broke the
SH> ocgx2 package.


SH> I don't oppose to choose similar behavior to pdfTeX but replying on such
SH> feature like pdf:code itself is a mess: Whenever internal behavior of
SH> dvipdfmx is changed the reslts can be quite different.
SH> The fake-bold feature was added about 15-years back when there is
SH> virtually no (freely) available Japanese font with multiple weight.
SH> I don't know if there still is any need for this nowadays.

Nowadays there are some multiple-weight fonts (for Japanese we have
https://ctan.org/pkg/haranoaji and others), so fake-bold has become
less important.  Considering this, we can choose [xdvipdfmx-B] which
adds "0 Tr" _only_ after one occurrence of fake-bold, and warn everyone
not to use fake-bold (embolden text) together with the ocgx2 package.
That would be safe enough, as it makes no difference between
TeX Live 2019 and TeX Live 2020 when fake-bold is never used.


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