\pdffilesize and spaces

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Oct 18 23:46:46 CEST 2019

On 18/10/2019 22:26, Karl Berry wrote:
>      \edef\test{\pdffilesize{file_1.tex }}\show\test
>      \edef\test{\pdffilesize{"file_1.tex "}}\show\test
> Fixes are welcome (sorry, I didn't see the reason in pdf_file_size_code:
> and show_token_list offhand), but (I doubt any of the following is news
> to you) ... I think there is no way to use \pdffilesize etc. on
> arbitrary filenames. Maybe they can be made to work with one space, but
> 2+ consecutive spaces in the input will get transmuted into one by TeX's
> scanner before the primitive over sees it, if I understand
> correctly. Catcode 9 characters will likewise disappear, etc., etc.

Sure: I'm thinking of the detokenized name, after TeX has done 'stuff'. 
I'll see if I can work out where the issue is: I have a feeling it's not 
in the WEB but in the C ...


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