pdfjam-extras package maintenance, any interest?

Firth, David D.Firth at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Nov 6 17:44:26 CET 2019


I write to this group at the suggestion of Karl Berry.  I hope I won't be bothering too many people with this message!

For some years I have published and maintained a CTAN package called "pdfjam", which contains shell scripts for using facilities of the LaTeX "pdfpages" package.

The package has always had two parts:

-- pdfjam, the main script that manipulates PDF files via pdfpages;

-- several (smaller) /wrapper/ scripts that call pdfjam for various specific tasks.

The wrapper scripts have names like pdfnup, pdfjoin, pdf90, pdfbook and various others.

I have reached a point where I can no longer find time to improve or support those wrapper scripts, unfortunately.  (It's not a lot of work; but I just have too much else on my plate! and I don't actually use those wrappers myself.)  So I have decided to break the package into two separate repositories:


--- the first of which I will continue to maintain, but the second of which is now "orphaned".

The question is: might someone else be interested in supporting and improving those wrapper scripts, ie to assume ownership of the (tentatively named) pdfjam-extras package?

It seems that the wrapper scripts do have quite a number of users.  (I have no way of counting.)

I would welcome any expression of interest in this, or indeed any other suggestions.

Thanks -- David Firth

David Firth | https://warwick.ac.uk/dfirth | 
Professor, Warwick Statistics | https://warwick.ac.uk/stats |
Turing Fellow, Alan Turing Institute | https://turing.ac.uk |
Pronouns: he/him

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