installer message about /usr/local/texlive/2019 not being writable

jfbu jfbu at
Sat Mar 23 00:56:01 CET 2019

Le 23/03/2019 à 00:06, Norbert Preining a écrit :
> Hi
>> install-tl warned me about /usr/local/texlive/2019 not being writable
>> but in fact, of course, there wasn't even /usr/local/texlive to start with
> This has been the same since about 10+ years. We check the grand-parent
> folder (/usr/local) for writability.
> The message is correct, it is not writable and cannot be created.

Should the user then execute sudo install-tl ?

Correctness may not quite coincide with usefulness.


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