MetaType1 in TeX Live

Norbert Preining preining at
Wed Jun 19 01:57:10 CEST 2019

Hi Bogusław,

thanks for your email and explanation of the situation. I think we are
all happy to see metatype1 or its successor shaping up.

I only have one suggestion - similar to the one I often give my Japanese
colleagues - don't put the development away somewhere. Put it up
available into an open git/svn repository. You can use gitlab, github,
if you want (contact me), or whatever.

But please make the current state available. This *HELPS*!

People can look at it, contribute, suggest. You are still free to ignore
all the pull requests etc etc, but you might get valuable input.


> complete the new version of the system till the end of 2019, does it make
> sense to make also any quick changes in the existing version? Anyway, we are

No, I don't think there is any urgent need to fix up anything.

> And an additional question: when the next release of TeX Live is scheduled?

As usual around April 2020.

Thanks for your work and all the best


PREINING Norbert                     
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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