blockcquote fails to print parentheses around the citation

Soe Naung ashinpan at
Mon Aug 19 21:44:51 CEST 2019

I am using the latex biblatex (3.13) (authoryear style) and csquotes (5.2e)
together. I have found that blockcquote fails to print parentheses around
the citation at the end of the blockquote. I don't know if this is a bug of
biblatex or of csquote.

What follows is a minimal file.


% !TEX TS-program = lualatex

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} % use larger




options = {useeditor=false},

title = {Vibhatyattha},

pages = {127-131},

address = {Rangoon, MM},

editor = {{Tun Sein}, U and {Sein Oak}, U and {Win Phe}, U and {Tin Myint},

publisher = {Icchasaya},

booktitle = {15 Grammatical Manuals},

year = 1965








No one was in a position to record or reproduce the Buddha’s sermons as he
uttered them. The texts preserved did not just drop from his lips; they
must be products of deliberate composition—in fact, they were composed to
be memorized. This inevitably introduces a certain formalization: such
features as versification, numbered lists, repetition and stock formulae
are all aids to memory.}


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