TeX Live future access in danger

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Apr 13 18:53:50 CEST 2019

George N. White III wrote:
> For several years now, Protocol Relative URL's 
> <https://www.paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/> are an 
> anti-pattern to be avoided.

Not in my opinion.  If a visitor establishes a non-secure link to my 
site and seeks to fetch other resources from my site via embedded links, 
those resources will be fetched insecurely; if he/she establishes a 
secure link, then they will be fetched securely.   If I hard-code the 
links as HTTP, then those resources cannot be accessed if the connection 
is secure; if I hard-code the links as HTTPS, then I might well trigger 
the “This page contains both secure and insecure Items” message from 
IE.  Using protocol/schemeless URLs is, to my mind, by far the best way 
to code local links when the means of access (secure/insecure) cannot be 
known at the time of coding.

> As the above page notes, IE gives "“This Page Contains Both Secure and 
> Non-Secure
> Items” error messages.

You are reading something into that page that I cannot, George. What the 
page notes is "If the browser is viewing that current page in through 
HTTPS, then it’ll request that asset with the HTTPS protocol, otherwise 
it’ll typically* request it with HTTP. This prevents that awful “This 
Page Contains Both Secure and Non-Secure Items” error message in IE, 
keeping all your asset requests within the same protocol".  Note, "THIS 

Philip Taylor
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