tlmgr update --self fails on 2019-04-07

Norbert Preining preining at
Sun Apr 7 13:22:00 CEST 2019


> tar: Could not create file bin/win32/runscript.dll: Permission denied
> tar: Could not create file tlpkg/tltcl/tclkit.exe: Permission denied

Have you been running the updater from the tlshell or from the command

> tlmgr was not active at the time I started from the command line.

??? tlshell was active? If yes, then tlmgr is also active, because
tlshell is only a frontend.

Hard to say without a detailed report which program you started when,
what was running etc. Basically, the safest method to update tlmgr on
Windows is using the update-tlmgr-latest.exe or the command line
	tlmgr update --self
and not using any frontend.



PREINING Norbert                     
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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