"command_line_encoding=utf8" in texmf.cnf on windows?

Pablo Alfonso González Luengo pablgonz at educarchile.cl
Tue Apr 2 02:42:52 CEST 2019

In my case I have never used "non-ascii" characters for file names
(but I think it's just out of habit).
I think I have a slightly less invasive idea to achieve this:
1. Create the directory "C:/Users/yourname/texmf"
2. Create the file "C:/Users/yourname/texmf/texmf.cnf" with the line
"command_line_encoding = utf8"
3. Open a command line (cmd) without administrator privileges and execute
$ setx TEXMFCNF C:/Users/yourname/texmf;
and go out.
4. Open a new command line (cmd) without administrator privileges and execute
$ kpsewhich --all texmf.cnf
to verify that everything is OK.

Alternatively, this can be done in a graphical environment by
adjusting variable environments.
If you want to see from the command line it would be enough to use
$ reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment
And to delete key directory, just use
$ reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v TEXMFCNF /f

>From my point of view as a user of TeXLive in windows and linux, you
should leave the default
"C:/Users/yourname/texmf" directory activated for kpsewhich when
installing and if instalation are in:
1. Text mode, a message at the end of the installation
...If you use file names with "non-ascii" characters, add the line
"command_line_encoding = utf8"
in your "C:/Users/yourname/texmf/texmf.cnf"
2. Graphic mode: A button that will execute this action.

In this way, after a couple of months, it would be clear that other
parts of the system affect this change,
and once it is stable it is left by default.


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