[tex-live] (no subject)

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Sun Sep 23 02:28:36 CEST 2018

Hi Mike,

> been done. Well, I didn't actually check #4 (e.g., xz -9), but by the

I think we do not use -9, due to heavy load on build and install

> If we had to, I think we could overcome the link issue. Links would
> be implemented as text files, maybe with a unique suffix (e.g., .lnk)
> whose text contains the path, or rules for the path, to the object
> to be linked to. The installer then would detect and interpret these
> .lnk files as needed for the given target system during the installation.

That could indeed be an option BUT it would defeat the whole idea of
having the ability to use the install media also as live system.

If we go for tlnet (archive/*.xz) then there *are* no symlinks and any
filesystem (maybe even vfat) would be fine.

But if we want a USB stick that can be used as installer as well as
running a live system links on Unix are necessary.

> But, I have to ask, how does the installer handle the case where the
> *target* filesystem of the installation does not support links?
> (e.g., FAT32)?

Not at all. If you are running Unix and install to a vfat/fat32 system
then you are hosed ;-) 



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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