[tex-live] xindy and folders with non ascii chars

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Mon Sep 17 14:21:15 CEST 2018

Due to a question on tex.sx I would like to try to reawake an old
question (see

If I copy the test file below on win10 in a folder G:\Z-Test\jürgen

and then run

pdflatex test
texindy test.idx   

it fails with the error message 

G:\Z-Test\jürgen>texindy test.idx
*** - PARSE-NAMESTRING: syntax error in filename
      "G:\\\\Z-Test\\\\j³rgen\\\\S1Jt2cb7Dx" at position 13

S1Jt2cb7Dx is the temporary file which (on windows) is created in
the current directory and PARSE-NAMESTRING is imho a clisp function. 

Using texindy -d keep_tmpfiles to keep the temporary files and then
looking into them I can see lines like 

    :idxstyle "G:\\Z-Test\\jürgen\\B0eXOULCND"
    :rawindex "G:\\Z-Test\\jürgen\\OeXhx_H6VI"

The temporary file is 8-bit encoded.

So my guess is that the problem is with xindy-lisp.exe:
it either can't handle non-ascii file names at all, or gets confused
by the encoding of the path names in the temporary file. 

Is there any chance to solve this problem?
Relocating the tmpfile location to TEMP is imho not a stable
solution: quite often the problem pops up because of user account
names with non-ascii chars. 

%% example document:



Ulrike Fischer 

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