[tex-live] ICC profiles for PDF/A compliance

Ross Moore ross.moore at mq.edu.au
Tue Sep 11 23:46:08 CEST 2018

Hi Karl, and others

On 12 Sep 2018, at 7:09 am, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org<mailto:karl at freefriends.org>> wrote:

   And where should it be installed? Into the pdfx directory or

It should go in texmf-dist/tex/generic/<pkgname>, where <pkgname> is
*what gets uploaded to CTAN*. Please do not create it on the fly in TL
just because you can :).

As for what <pkgname> should be, how about "colorprofile"? Because, are
all profiles really "ICC"? In any case, I don't feel strongly about the

I fully support this.
The colour profiles should be independent of the  pdfx  package.
Yes, the package needs to reference them, and include them in documents,
but the package in no sense “owns” them, nor has it created them.

There are many other resources that  pdfx  makes use of, as does any other
package, which are loaded from elsewhere within the  texmf-*  hierarchies.
I don’t see this as being any different.

Besides, I don’t see  pdfx  as (ultimately) being the only package that produces
standards-conforming PDFs requiring a Color Profile, nor that such documents
necessarily be tied to LaTeX production.

So having them under  ‘generic’  seems most appropriate, and we shouldn’t
need to have to distribute them with  pdfx .

Besides, I always have trouble preparing a complicated package for CTAN,
where the structure or the archive submitted tends to be different from the
TDS structure that I use myself under TeXLive for MacOS.
I’m thinking of the  doc/ , font/, source/  subtrees as well as  tex/latex/<pkgname> ;
but all are flattened – for use with MikTeX ???

How easy will it be for all TeX systems to implement a new branch like
or         /tex/generic/color/public/
or         /color/profiles/public/
or whatever we decide is the best naming ?

As for a new top-level directory instead, Mojca, do you have an argument
to advance for it? As far as I can see, it would cause churn in many
search paths with no offsetting advantage. tex/generic seems simpler to
me in every way. --best, karl.



Dr Ross Moore

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