[tex-live] [Patch] XeTeX - Avoid modification of internal poppler object, fix compilation with poppler 0.72

Stefan Brüns stefan.bruens at rwth-aachen.de
Mon Dec 24 00:13:18 CET 2018

Create a copy of the the returned const PdfRectangle* and modify the copy.

Recent versions of poppler are much more explicit when exposing objects, i.e. 
these are returned as const T* instead of a (mutable) T*.

As these are not copies, modifiying the objects without copying has always 
been wrong, the changed API just enforces it. The patch should be applied 
regardless of the poppler version (since at least 2013), although as a side 
effect it also fixes compilation with poppler 0.72 (which changed the return 
type for several getFooBox() methods to be const).

Kind regards,

Stefan Brüns  /  Bergstraße 21  /  52062 Aachen
home: +49 241 53809034     mobile: +49 151 50412019A
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