[tex-live] Supplied a custom PDF trailer ID with XeLaTeX/xdvipdfmx

Osipov, Michael michael.osipov at siemens.com
Wed Dec 19 12:01:29 CET 2018

Am 2018-12-18 um 16:43 schrieb Shunsaku Hirata:
>>> perhaps wouldn't need to be a new xetex command could just be a
>>> \special (which could be hidden as
>>> \def\pdftrailer#1{\special{something: #1}} for compatibilty with
>>> pdftex.
>> I believe that Hirata-san is thinking of doing this way.
> Yes, I'm considering a special command like
>   \special{pdf:trailerid [<ID1> <ID2>]}
> to be added to dvipdfmx.

That would be awesome, I could simply add that via Java to our 
settings.tex with the document UUID stripped from hyphens.


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