[tex-live] A query related to "auxtrees"

Pablo Alfonso González Luengo pablgonz at educarchile.cl
Sat Dec 8 16:36:31 CET 2018

Hello everyone, I have a query related to "auxtrees" and how it works.
I have installed
TexLive 2018 (updated) in fedora 29, and I have two queries:
1. By running the next line show

[pablo at fedora ~] $ tlmgr --help | grep auxtrees
    conf auxtrees [--conffile *file*] [show|add|delete] [*value*]
        The subcommand "auxtrees" allows adding and removing arbitrary
        additional texmf trees, completely under user control. "auxtrees
        show" shows the list of additional trees, "auxtrees add" *tree* adds
        a tree to the list, and "auxtrees remove" *tree* removes a tree from
          tlmgr conf auxtrees add /quick/test/tree
          tlmgr conf auxtrees remove /quick/test/tree

I think instead of "delete" (show tlmgr: unknown auxtrees operation:
delete) I should say "remove"

2. To use "auxtrees" need "sudo" and the directories will be available
to all system users

[pablo at fedora ~] $ tlmgr conf auxtrees add /quick/test/tree
Cannot write to /usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf.cnf: Permission denied

And here's my question: is there any way that "auxtrees" write only
for my, something like "auxtrees-usr"?
With some friends we are trying to write a small magazine using git,
and although we can use "$TEXMFHOME"
to place the files, it becomes a mess when several of us use the same
machine (with different accounts), it is easier, clone and add .

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