[tex-live] beamer dependencies

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Sat May 6 14:36:12 CEST 2017

017-05-06 0:16 GMT+02:00 Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com>:

> ...
> I would use a different explanation.
> Given how many packages we have and given that nearly no packages
> provide meta information about their dependencies (like it is common
> nowadays with pypi or any other modules), it is not reasonable to
> expect that all dependencies get listed. But it never hurts to fix
> this for individual packages.

Just a question, when uploading a package to CTAN, is there a way how
specify the dependencies in a machine parsable way?

> Mojca

Zdeněk Wagner

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