[tex-live] paper size special

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Sun May 29 00:58:51 CEST 2016

On 28 May 2016 at 23:47, Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wagner at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am skeptical too. If I prepare a document to be printed on my office
> printer, I use A4. However, I prepare more frequently books and leaflets
> and in such cases A4 is really rare, the crop size is usuall A5, B5, C6 or
> even a nonstandard size. And the media size must include the area for a
> bleed box and for the crop marks. I am afraid LaTeX itself cannot do all
> this, a package for layout definition will always be needed. This is why I
> developed zwpagelayout because even geometry does not do all what I need.
yes but I'd like to make it easier for your package to work, or at least
easier to document how it works.

You do

\AtBeginDocument{\ifcaseZWdriver \or
   \pdfpagewidth\paperwidth \pdfpageheight\paperheight

but hyperref and geometry use \AtBeginDvi  (or \AtBeginShipoutFirst) so the
special they insert will come before the one you insert, even if the
package is used later.

so that means if a document uses hyperref and zwpagelayout then the
hyperref special is first so if the dvi file is processed with dvips
hyperref determines the page size and if the same dvi file is processed
with dvipdfm then zwpagelayout determines the page size.

I would like there to be a documented way to avoid that and have the same
markup have the same effect on both drivers.

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