[tex-live] Bug in pdflatex: doesn't compile file with 2 adjacent spaces in the name

Petr Olsak petr at olsak.net
Tue May 3 21:32:52 CEST 2016

> 1. Create a file: "a  a.tex" with sample data.
> 2. Run: $pdflatex a\ \ a.tex
> 3. Get an error: ...


the second space is consumed by token processor. If you write

    $pdftex "a\space\space a"

then the file with two spaces in its filename is read.

Note that your example: $pdftex a\ \ a.tex means that backslash is 
interpreted by shell and the real parameter is "a<space><space>a.tex" and 
this is tokenized to "a<space>a.tex". In my example, the real parameter is 
"a\space\space<space>a" and this is expanded to "a<space><space>a".

Petr Olsak

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