[tex-live] TL2016 pretest and hyperref

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Apr 20 14:50:49 CEST 2016


Sorry, I can't seem to find an email address to send this to.

With the update to TL2016 pretest this morning it appears that the hyperref package (or hpdftex.def file) is broken. I get the error

 Package hyperref Error: Version mismatch!
(hyperref)                * 2016/04/19 v6.83m3: hyperref.sty
(hyperref)                * 2012/11/06 v6.83m: hpdftex.def.

when attempting to typeset a file under pdflatex that has typeset fine before.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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