[tex-live] Errors in installation via install-tl

Henrique Lengler henriqueleng at opmbx.org
Tue Jan 13 00:37:30 CET 2015

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 07:43:08AM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> > So I'm using linux. The distro is Sabotage-Linux https://github.com/sabotage-linux/sabotage 
> [...]
> > /bin/sh: ./tex: not found
> As I said, libc seems to be the problem: THe web site states:
> 	experimental distribution based on musl libc
> Whatever musl libc might be, it seems *not* to provide the loaders.
> In this case you have to compile the binaries by yourself, not an
> easy task.

Yes, you are right.

So why texlive don't bring static linked binaries?
Wouldn't it be better and more compatible with other systems?
With static linked binaries would not need any other lib or dependence.

Is there a why dynamic is prefered?


Henrique Lengler.

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