[tex-live] dvipdfmx in TL2014

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Mon May 19 19:19:32 CEST 2014

 >|> I'm getting the following messages:
 >|> dvipdfmx:warning: Obsolete four arguments of "endchar" will be used
 >|> for Type 1 "seac" operator.
 >|> What do they mean?  How do I suppress them?
 >|The seac operator is deprecated
 >|and a constant source of problem expecially with xetex (google a bit
 >|and you will find quite a lot postings).
 >|So the best is to correct the font (or not to use it). Which one is


I haven't noticed any problems with the output or with xelatex

Bob T.

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