[tex-live] TeXLive (Windows) bash script -> exe

Siep Kroonenberg siepo at cybercomm.nl
Mon May 19 18:19:19 CEST 2014

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 06:05:40PM +0200, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Am Mon, 19 May 2014 17:39:37 +0200 schrieb Josef Kleber:
> >> There are a lot of scripts in there like installfont-tl (bash) or
> >> ctanify (perl). And there seems to be indeed some kind of magic that
> >> turns all these scripts into an Windows exe!
> > Or some kind of shebang evaluation with executing the right 
> > interpretator, which need to be installed somehow and somewhere?
> If I run installfont-tl on windows I get:
> G:\Z-Test>installfont-tl --help
> D:\texlive\2014\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:673:
> D:\texlive\2014\bin\win32\runscript
> .tlu:643: program not found (not part of TeX Live): bash
> I can run perl-based script as I have perl installed, and in general
> windows user don't mind to install it.
> But imho many wouldn't like to install cygwin. I find it confusing:
> all descriptions assume somehow that a linux user wants to get "his
> tools" on windows too and this makes it not easy for native windows
> users. Similar for msys (which I do have, but is not in my path). 

We add only enough Unix stuff to implement the infrastructure. If
you read the comments at the start of <root>/bin/win32/runscript.tlu
then you see which additional script languages are supported _if
they are already installed_. I quote:

The following script types and their file extensions are currently
supported and searched in that order:

  Lua      (.tlu;.texlua;.lua) --  included
  Perl     (.pl)               --  included
  Ruby     (.rb)               --  requires installation
  Python   (.py)               --  requires installation
  Tcl      (.tcl)              --  requires installation
  Java     (.jar)              --  requires installation
  VBScript (.vbs)              --  part of Windows
  JScript  (.js)               --  part of Windows
  Batch    (.bat;.cmd)         --  part of Windows

Finally, Unix-style extensionless scripts are searched as last and
the interpreter program is established based on the she-bang (#!)
specification on the very first line of the script.  This can be
an arbitrary program but it must be present on the search path.

Siep Kroonenberg

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