[tex-live] Serious (?) problem with Babel and language attributes

Kuznetsov A.N. pm_kan at mail.ru
Tue Jun 3 12:03:34 CEST 2014

> which I run with either lualatex or xelatex, in both cases the only
> output I see in the PDF is
> 	3 2014 .
> Which is not very good a thing ...

If I understand correctly, polyglossia+fontspec is preferred over babel+fontenc
for XeLaTeX (don't know for LuaLaTeX). But, looking at documentation
(russianb.pdf), one can find that XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX are supported, but need
some changes for minimum working example:

- from section 2.2 of russianb.pdf for LuaLaTeX one should use
instead of \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}

- from section 2.3, XeLaTeX needs additional command "\XeTeXinputencoding ”bytes”".

The first (LuaLaTeX case) works for me, but the second failed because
correspondent letter definitions aren't found in font file (also I have a
warning in the log file that inputenc shouldn't be used with XeLaTeX). If
solution will not be found before, I'll make more experiments with XeLaTeX later

(Also both sections contain example for "Unicode mode", when fontspec is used.
Both LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX works for me, when I use Liberation Serif as main font
(I haven't CMU Serif installed now))

> On Tue, 03 Jun 2014, Kuznetsov A.N. wrote:
>> fixed error in the package (v1.3c). New version published at CTAN, but not all
> Thanks, I can confirm that the new russianb.ldf works with pdflatex
> as it should be.
> But then .... this is TL2014 (original),
> 	lualatex
> 	xelatex
> on the minimal input file fail badly, no cyrillic output whatsoever...
> Where does this come from?
> To repeat, here is the input:
> \documentclass[12pt,russian]{article}                                           
> \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}                                                       
> \usepackage{babel}                                                              
> \begin{document}                                                                
> \today                                                                          
> \end{document}    
> which I run with either lualatex or xelatex, in both cases the only 
> output I see in the PDF is
> 	3 2014 .
> Which is not very good a thing ...
> Anyone having idea where *this* bug again comes from?
> Norbert
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> PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
> JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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С уважением,
 Кузнецов Андрей

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