[tex-live] Minitoc documentation size

Nils Ole Tippenhauer nils_tippenhauer at sutd.edu.sg
Tue Jul 15 06:23:16 CEST 2014

Hi all,

I am writing to suggest some changes to the minitoc package. CTAN lists
Jean-Pierre Drucbert as maintainer, bu he passed away in 2009. Minitoc
contains documentation that takes a lot of space, see

For example, there is a minitoc-fr.pdf file (~27Mb size) as part of the
package, that is bloated with maps of countries and flags.

Unfortunately, the package is automatically recommended (i.e.
practically installed) for all Debian/Ubuntu users.

Is it possible to remove some of the content from the minitoc
documentation in tex-live, or should I try talking to CTAN directly?

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