[tex-live] OT2 vs. T2A; compilation by apache user issues

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 22:53:21 CET 2014

2014-02-25 21:34 GMT+01:00 mario chiari <ml at mariochiari.net>:
> Hi
> some update.
> I gave to user apache a shell, and then this is what i got:
> bash-4.2$ /usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/i386-linux/latex MyFile.tex
> ............
> LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T2A/wncyr/m/n' undefined
> (Font)              using `T2A/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 2.
Font wncyr exists in OT2 encoding only, not in T2A

> kpathsea: Running mktextfm larm1728
> mkdir: cannot create directory `././var/www/.texlive2013': Permission
> denied

Something is broken in your setup, path ././var/www/.texlive2013 looks
really strange

> mktextfm: mktexdir /var/www/.texlive2013/texmf-var/fonts/tfm/lh/lh-t2a
> failed.
> kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
> ! Font T2A/cmr/m/n/17.28=larm1728 at 17.28pt not loadable: Metric (TFM)
> **************
> (btw, why that warning does not show up in the log file?)
This is a message issued by mktextfm, not by tex

> now, setting
> chown apache:apache /var/www/
> i get instead
> ******************
> LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T2A/wncyr/m/n' undefined
> (Font)              using `T2A/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 2.
> kpathsea: Running mktextfm larm1728
> mktextfm: Running mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1;
> nonstopmode; input larm1728
> This is METAFONT, Version 2.718281 (TeX Live 2013)
> kpathsea: Running mktexmf larm1728
> mktexmf: /var/www/.texlive2013/texmf-var/fonts/source/lh/lh-t2a/larm1728.mf: successfully generated.
> --snip--
> *******************
> then i run
> bash-4.2$ /usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/i386-linux/biber  MyFile.bcf
> bash-4.2$ /usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/i386-linux/pdflatex  MyFile.tex
> and output is very fine.
> Similarly, if a run
> bash-4.2$ php direct.php    # direct.php as last mail (see below)
> BUT if I call localhost/<my path>/direct.php from my client, it still
> fails.
There are too many things that can be wrong in your apache setup. You
should start with a simple "Hello world" sample just with default
fonts and look how your php script searches for tex and how tex
searches its files. It is hardly possible to catch 15 fish on a single
hook at the same time...

> I am missing something, but what?
> thanks
> mario
> ps clearly, it is not a texlive issue.
> On Tue, 2014-02-25 at 18:35 +0100, mario chiari wrote:
>> Dear Robin, All,
>> I hope you all are not running out of patience with me, but
>> My .tex code is compiled fine now when I run latex+biber+pdflatex from
>> my shell (or from within Kile). Compilation  fails  (still as below)
>> when it is performed by my local Apache server.
>> I understand that files are created under /root/.texlive/... and that
>> maybe Apache can not access them. To copy/paste them under the main
>> texlive directory did not fix anything.
>> Is anybody knowledgeable on how to fix it? I would like to fix this,
>> before to upgrade myself to Unicode and Xe[La]TeX.
>> My sample php script is below.
>> Thanks
>> Cheers
>> mario
>> *****************
>> <?php
>> echo '<hr>';
>> $nomeFile = 'MyFile';
>> $texFile = $nomeFile.".tex";
>> $bibFile = $nomeFile.'.bcf';
>> $pdfFile = $nomeFile.".pdf";
>> $test2 = `/usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/i386-linux/latex  --interaction
>> batchmode $texFile`;
>> $test21 = `/usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/i386-linux/biber    $bibFile`;
>> $test22 = `/usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/i386-linux/pdflatex
>> --interaction batchmode $texFile`;
>> echo "<pre>$test2</pre>";
>> echo "<pre>$test21</pre>";
>> echo "<pre>$test22</pre>";
>> echo "<br><a href=\"$texFile\">$texFile</a>";
>> echo "<br><a href=\"$pdfFile\">$pdfFile</a>";
>> ?>
>> ****************
>> On Mon, 2014-02-24 at 09:46 +0000, Robin Fairbairns wrote:
>> > apache is a red herring, here.
>> >
>> > the problem is trying to use lm fonts for encoding t2<anything>
>> >
>> > the lm fonts only support latin alphabets.
>> >
>> > > LaTeX Font Info:    Try loading font information for T2A+lmr on input
>> > > line 2.
>> > > LaTeX Font Info:    No file T2Almr.fd. on input line 2.
>> > > LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T2A/lmr/bx/n' undefined
>> > > (Font)              using `T2A/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 2.
>> >
>> > as you see, there's no information for using cyrillic (t2a in this case)
>> > with latex.
>> >
>> > it's a bore.  i don't actually know of a type 1 font family that does
>> > the lot.  opentype fonts tend to do both latin and cyrillic from the
>> > same font file, but they require a different version of latex (xelatex
>> > for stability, or lualatex).
>> >
>> > i've heard of using latex on the web, but not xelatex.
>> >
>> > note that this is _not_ a tex live sort of question -- witness the fact
>> > that you've been asking so long and still don't have an answer.
>> >
>> > i shan't recommend anywhere else to ask, since last time i did, i was
>> > told (rather forcefully) that my suggestion was unsatisfactory.  (it's a
>> > mug's game, answering questions on mailing lists...)
>> >
>> > robin fairbairns.

Zdeněk Wagner

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