[tex-live] TeXshop and other GUIs: space in text box data

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Fri Sep 20 18:37:58 CEST 2013

Nelson Beebe,

Thanks for the heads up. This is fixed in my local copy of TeXShop
and thus will be fixed in the next release.

Many users install TeXShop without installing MacTeX.
When they try to typeset, they get an error message. The message

     "Perhaps TeXLive was not installed or was removed during a
     system upgrade. If so, go to the TeXShop web site and follow the
     instructions to (re)install TeXLive. Another possibility is that a tool
     path was incorrectly configured in TeXShop preferences."

The last line is there for users of MacPorts and other less common
distributions, but many users ignore the first lines and start fiddling with path preferences,
although 95% of the time they should buckle down and install TeX Live.

I've rewritten the help yet again. We'll see if it helps.

Dick Koch

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