[tex-live] [TL 2013 pretest] Win32's fc-cache doesn't read the variable `FC_CACHEDIR` and `FONTCONFIG_PATH` in texmf.cnf file

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Tue May 21 11:27:10 CEST 2013

Dear Qing Lee,

>     FONTCONFIG_PATH = $TEXMFVAR/fonts/conf
>     FC_CACHEDIR     = $TEXMFVAR/xetex-cache

Sorry for the change.  FONTCONFIG_PATH and FC_CACHEDIR are not used
in TL 2013.  They are fixed as

I'll recover them, if they are convenient,  in the next year: TL 2014.
I completely forgot to inform the change.

Best regards,

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