[tex-live] LuaTeX in TL 2013

Jobst Hoffmann j.hoffmann at fh-aachen.de
Sun May 19 18:17:59 CEST 2013


in the current TL 2013 pretest version there is LuaTeX version 0.76
included, but the included documentation has a version number beta
0.70.1. Will that be changed (sooner or later)?

Kind regards
Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann            Tel:   +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich   Fax:   +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
Fachbereich 09                      email: j.hoffmann at fh-aachen.de

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