[tex-live] folder structure for files included by a cls - package udesoftec

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon Jul 8 16:16:43 CEST 2013

Hi Peter,

thanks for contacting us.

On Mo, 08 Jul 2013, Schuler, J. Peter M. wrote:
> I'm the maintainer of "udesoftec" and supplied a package without a .tds.zip and some files were not sorted in the correct directory due to my lack of mentioning them in the README. To solve it I would update the package with a tds.zip, however consulting the TDS documentation I still have no exact clue were to put the files.

It is not necessary to supply a TDS package.

> My documtentclass uses one of three supplied PDF files (udesoftec-cover-*.pdf) as an background image for the main matter and these files should therefore be included in the package and accessible. The automatic TDS routine puts all pdf's in doc/. Putting them in a local tex root texmf/tex/latex/udesoftec/ seems to work - but is tex/latex/<package>/ the correct folder for such files, or is there a better one?

We can fix that without the need for an update on CTAN. We only need
to know which files should be placed into something that can be found by
the kpsewhich process. (BTW, it is not the TDS routine, but our own written
converter that moves stuff from CTAN into TeX Live and sorts them into
the TDS).

I guess you are talking about

I try to remember to fix it tomorrow in my office just before the
next rebuid.


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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