[tex-live] Powerdot removal?

Uwe Siart usenet at siart.de
Mon Jul 1 21:38:26 CEST 2013

Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> writes:

> If you can reproduce it, that would be interesting.

I did update --all from the fu-berlin mirror. I saw the same thing on
three machines, all of them running XP SP3. All the three backup files
have the same layout: /doc, /tex and /tlpkg in top level.

I can send you the backup file but I don't think that it will break any
news to you.

My option settings:

| d:\user\siart>tlmgr option showall
| Number of backups to keep (autobackup): 2
| Directory for backups (backupdir): tlpkg/backups
| Create formats on installation (formats): 1
| Create Start menu shortcuts (w32) (desktop_integration): 1
| Change file associations (w32) (fileassocs): 0
| Run tlmgr generate updmap after maps have changed (generate_updmap): (not set)
| Install documentation files (docfiles): 1
| Install source files (srcfiles): 0
| Default package repository (repository): ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/tex/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet
| Run postinst code blobs (postcode): 1
| Destination for symlinks for binaries (sys_bin): /usr/local/bin
| Destination for symlinks for info docs (sys_info): /usr/local/share/info
| Destination for symlinks for man pages (sys_man): /usr/local/share/man
| Install for all users (w32) (multiuser): 1

The explicit customizations that I made are: 2 backups, no srcfiles, repo
fu-berlin. Anything else is in it's default state (I think).


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