[tex-live] So far.....expensive failure

Denis Bitouzé dbitouze at wanadoo.fr
Fri Feb 15 15:51:15 CET 2013

Le vendredi 15/02/13 à 15h39,
Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wagner at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Copying a lot of small files may be longer than copying one large
> file.

In order to compare what is comparable, should also be added to the
time to copy the single large .iso file, the time to "extract" it. On
recent computers, it usually doesn't take more than 7 minutes, either
with 7-zip or other tools.

Of course, /mounting/ the .iso file would be instantaneous but this
requires extra software on Windows ( < Eight) neither free nor easy to
use for Windows users.

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