[tex-live] add Cyrillic modern fonts

Andrey Panov panov at canopus.iacp.dvo.ru
Fri Dec 27 05:33:09 CET 2013

On Friday 27 of December 2013, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
> If it's not too much work, could you put a sample of your fonts as a
> PDF file at doc/fonts/nm ?

The sample of Russian text is available as PDF file at 
One can see the difference in the Latin part between the Cyrillic modern fonts 
and Computer modern ones from 

> The word "Cyrillic" is ambiguous because Russians, Ukrainians,
> Serbians, Bulgarians, and even Mongolians use Cyrillic but they all
> use different subsets.
> Which languages are supported by your package?  This should be
> mentioned somewhere.

As written in the font description, the fonts support Russian language (and the 
Bulgarian which is a subset of Russian alphabet).

> BTW, are you aware of
>  http://fntsample.sourceforge.net
> ?  It's a wonderful tool.

Thanks, I know.

Andrey V. Panov
panov /AT/ iacp.dvo.ru

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