[tex-live] lua path

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Dec 9 20:27:00 CET 2013

Since, in the opinion of the TeX Live cadre, most questions
are stupid, if one is to judge by the responses that Norbert
et al are wont to give, then the simplest thing would be
to modify TeXdoc to simply display the text "If you need to
ask, you are too stupid to use TeX", regardless of any
parameter(s) passed.

Norbert Preining wrote:

>> Why is anyone asking texdoc about perl? IMNSHO, it's perfectly okay for
>> texdoc to give a stupid answer to a stupid question.
> +1

Maxwell, Adam R wrote:

> Where does that end, though? How about texdoc {python,tcl,r,ruby,sh}?
> Why is anyone asking texdoc about perl? IMNSHO, it's perfectly okay
> for texdoc to give a stupid answer to a stupid question.

-\infty.  There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid
answers, of which yours (IMENSHO) is just about as stupid as an
answer can get.

Philip Taylor

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