[tex-live] File not found within $TEXMFLOCAL under Windows

Joel C. Salomon joelcsalomon at gmail.com
Sun Aug 11 07:56:29 CEST 2013

I have TeX Live 2013 installed under
C:\Users\jcsalomon\Programs\TeXLive\2013, with $TEXMFLOCAL &
$TEXMFHOME set to C:\Users\jcsalomon\Programs\TeXLive\texmf-local.

I tried to use a locally-installed package, but was told it couldn't
be found, so I tried to troubleshoot:

C:\Users\jcsalomon>kpsewhich createspace.sty

C:\Users\jcsalomon>kpsewhich -expand-var $TEXMFLOCAL

C:\Users\dgjk86>dir Programs\TeXLive\texmf-local\createspace.sty
 Volume in drive C is System
 Volume Serial Number is 547E-CF86

 Directory of C:\Users\dgjk86\Programs\TeXLive\texmf-local

2013-06-12  06:22 PM            30,171 createspace.sty
               1 File(s)         30,171 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  200,528,044,032 bytes free

C:\Users\jcsalomon>type Programs\TeXLive\texmf-local\ls-R
% ls-R -- filename database for kpathsea; do not change this line.



So the file *is* there, but kpathsea seems not to be able to find it.
What can I try to fix this?


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