[tex-live] Sorting out updmap/updmap-sys-troubles

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed May 23 11:43:33 CEST 2012

Am Wed, 23 May 2012 07:40:44 +0900 schrieb Norbert Preining:

>> one recurrent problem with font installation is caused by mixed 
>> calls of updmap and updmap-sys (or on miktex of updmap / updmap 
>> --admin). 


> Please take a look at the first lines of an updmap-sys call to see
> which updmap.cfg files are read.

Well I'm a miktex user. I don't have TeXLive. I can't look myself
;-). That's why I asked. 

Thanks for the informations (also to Reinhard). I will read them and
try to assemble from them some "repair instructions". 

But I already found a following question: While reading in the
installation instructions of TeXLive 2011 I found this sentence:

"You do not need to be root (administrator on Windows) to install,
use, or manage TeX Live. In fact, we recommend installing it as a
normal user,..."

If the default installation is as normal user, why do the users have
to bother with updmap-sys at all? On miktex with a single-user
installation in a restricted account you only have to (can) use

Ulrike Fischer 

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