[tex-live] tlmgr "Update all installed" via commandline?

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Tue Aug 28 19:34:13 CEST 2012

On 08/28/2012 06:55 PM, Bob Plantz wrote:
> On 8/28/2012 8:28 AM, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
>> Lars Madsen wrote:
>>> There is quite a big difference in executing the command via the Windows
>>>   'Run command' option and actually executing it within the windows
>>> command prompt.
>> > You have the same problem with 'texdoc -l'
>> I agree.  But the naive user (and even the no-so-naive) user
>> cannot be expected to know, a priori, that he or she needs
>> to launch a separate CMD session before being able to use
>> either of those commands successfully.
> Perhaps a note in the documentation would help. For example, at
> http://tug.org/texlive/doc/tlmgr.html#examples something like, "Note:
> tlmgr must be run from the command line; use Command Prompt in Windows."
> I note here that, at least in my experience including myself, a naive
> user is more apt to read the documentation than a not-to-naive user. ;-)
> --Bob

but a naive user now a days do not know the difference between the 'run 
command' function and the command prompt. Most users have never even 
been through the 'utilities' (or whereever the command promt lives) sub 
menu, so they'll never know.

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