[tex-live] [lltx] Updating TeXLive 2010 using tlgmr

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 22:39:34 CEST 2011

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 22:23, SKL wrote:
> Excluding xetex from MTBasic and sticking it into an add-on together with LM might of course be another solution.

Please keep in mind that we are talking about two different things.

a.) collection-basic in TeX Live (doesn't include LM, LaTeX and XeTeX)
b.) MacTeX Basic is generated from collection-basic plus some common
and important packages installed with "tlmgr install xetex" etc.

If LM was included in (a), it would automatically end up in (b).
However if you want it in (b), it is not a requirement to have it in
(a). It is just that Dick should not forget to add the font next time
when he creates a new package. So whether or not the font ends up in
MacTeX Basic is not really a question for the TeX Live mailing list.

I never mentioned MacTeX Basic without XeTeX. But I would add "depend
lm" to xetex.tlpsrc or to fontspec.tlpsrc. That would also
automatically solve the problem.


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