[tex-live] Synctex broken after update (OS X with TeXShop)

Sangwine, Stephen J sjs at essex.ac.uk
Wed Jun 22 11:34:32 CEST 2011

This may not be a problem with TL I know, but I am not knowledgeable
enough about the internal workings to diagnose where the issue is.

I've just run tlmgr via TeX Live Utility on my Mac with OS X
Snow Leopard (Intel x86_64). I'm using TeXShop 2.41.

After the update, synctex is not working properly (it was yesterday).
I notice that new binaries were downloaded during the update including
for synctex.

The symptom is that clicking in the PDF preview and selecting Sync
now creates a new empty .tex file and puts the focus there, instead
of going to the corresponding line in the source .tex file. The
other way round works OK, as it did yesterday - clicking in the .tex
source and selecting Sync highlights the corresponding typeset text
in the PDF preview.

I'll happily report this to the correct place, given a pointer....

Dr Steve Sangwine
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Colchester CO4 3SQ
United Kingdom

T: (+44) (0)1206 872401
F: (+44) (0)1206 872684


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