[tex-live] TL2011 pretest issue

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Sun Jun 19 18:27:15 CEST 2011

On Jun 19, 2011, at 05:43 , Francesco Clemente wrote:

> I've got a (not sure) problem with texlive 2011. I'm using MacTeX on MacOS 10.6.7 and when I try to update tlmgr via TeXLive utility it appear on the log the following errors:

> Another strange thing is that it does not ask user's password anymore before installing new packages. So, is this a permissions problem?

Yes, this is a permission problem, but I'll need to see the full log output from it.  What version of TeX Live Utility are you using?  Versions prior to 0.91 did not do a sufficient permissions check.

> By the way, the option "install packages for all users" in TeXLive Utility is set to yes.

That is not related to this problem, and you should generally leave it checked.


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