[tex-live] problems with spaces under windows

T T t34www at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 2 09:54:27 CEST 2011

On 2 July 2011 00:02, Raphael Schweizer
<rschweizer at schweizer-informatik.ch> wrote:
> Just finished two flawless -perltk (customized package selection) installs
> on Win 7 x86-64 (from/to path without spaces). Tested several of my
> documents, all compile fine.

Thanks for testing.  After the next update (in a day or two) installs
from/to paths _with_ spaces should work too.

> The only problem so far is a slightly offset synctex (yellowish markings in
> TeXworks are always about one paragraph above the correct position), that's
> not a priority for me and probably isn't even a TL issue, so I did not yet
> investigate.

OK, please report on the appropriate list if/when you know more,
though, this doesn't sound critical enough to me to delay the release
any longer.



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