[tex-live] A bug after upgrading expl3

Benoit RIVET benoit.rivet at free.fr
Tue Jan 11 21:51:19 CET 2011

After upgrading expl3 (and all the rest of my texlive installation), compiling the following innocent code :

% !TEX TS-program = luaLaTeX
\usepackage{unicode-math, lipsum}

stops after the following log :

(some lines suppressed)

! This is a LaTeX bug: check coding!
! Command `\lua_shipout_x:n' not yet defined!
! See the LaTeX3 documentation for further information.
! For immediate help type H <return>.
l.68 \cs_generate_variant:Nn \lua_shipout_x:n
                                              { x }

There is no such problem when I don't use unicode-math, and the file compiles fine when reverting to the backup version of expl3.

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