[tex-live] Wscript.Shell

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Thu Feb 10 21:56:53 CET 2011

 >|On 10 February 2011 16:44, Bob Tennent <rdt at cs.queensu.ca> wrote:
 >|> A Windows-using friend asked how he can get musixtex working on his
 >|> system. I suggested installing TeXLive. The installation seems to
 >|> have gone well and we've been able to pdftex-process a test file. I
 >|> see that a processing option has to be added to allow musixflx to do
 >|> its thing in TexWorks, but more seriously tlmbg-gui doesn't start,
 >|> apparently (I'm a complete novice at Windows) because it couldn't find
 >|> an "automation class" called Wscript.Shell. Should I re-install texlive
 >|> or is something standard missing from the system?
 >|Which version of windows is it?  


 >|I would say VBScript on his system is
 >|hosted, because tlmgr-gui.vbs runs on win2k and anything above AFAIK.

"hosted"?  Did you mean busted?

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