[tex-live] [TLContrib] TeXworks in TeX Live

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Oct 23 18:27:28 CEST 2010

    * 'texworks.win32' also contains a whole bunch of data files
    for poppler as well as the manual/help, living under tlpkg/texworks.
    Should I include those as well? If yes, would it not be better to
    move those files to 'texworks' ?

In my experience, a "generic" binary for TW (or any other big GUI app)
under GNU/Linux (especially, but other Unixes too) is simply impossible.
Distros make it impossible for any shared libs to work from one to
another because they change names and versions at will.  Static linking
fails because of kernel/libc incompatibilities.  So I see no real point
in changing anything.

Yours in depression,

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