[tex-live] Apropos for TeX Live?
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Sun Oct 10 02:17:45 CEST 2010
On Oct 9, 2010, at 6:26 PM, Norbert Preining wrote:
> On Sa, 09 Okt 2010, Karl Berry wrote:
>> Looking at that mail now, I'm not sure that Jim's keywords need be the
>> only source. The package summaries (<caption>s in Catalogue terms) also
>> seem like they could be used.
> tlmgr search foobar
> or tlmgr search --global foobar
> It searches short and long descriptions, and package names
> ??
> Best wishes
> Norbert
That's very interesting! It seems that tlmgr is a dog of may tricks. I ran
$ tlmgr search --global table
and got
tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.math.utah.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet
Asana-Math - A font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX.
HA-prosper - Patches and improvements for prosper.
abstyles - Adaptable BibTeX styles.
accfonts - Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones.
adrconv - BibTeX styles to implement an address database.
akletter - Comprehensive letter support.
algorithm2e - Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords.
alterqcm - Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables.
animate - Create PDF animations from graphics files and inline graphics.
appendix - Extra control of appendices.
armenian - A sytem for writing Armenian with TeX and LaTeX.
autotab - Generating tabulars from input data.
beamer - A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides.
bibarts - "Arts"-style bibliographical information.
bibtex8 - A fully 8-bit adaptation of BibTeX 0.99.
booktabs - Publication quality tables in LaTeX
boxhandler - Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing.
bundledoc - Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document.
calctab - Language for numeric tables.
cals - Multipage tables with wide range of features.
captcont - Retain float number across several floats.
captdef - Declare free-standing \caption commands.
caption - Customising captions in floating environments.
carlisle - David Carlisle's small packages.
ccaption - Continuation headings and legends for floats.
cdpbundl - Business letters in the Italian style.
cellspace - Ensure minimal spacing of table cells.
cfr-lm - Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts.
chembst - A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals.
chronology - Provides a horizontal timeline.
cmap - Make PDF files searchable and copyable.
colortab - Shade cells of tables and halign.
colortbl - Add colour to LaTeX tables.
colorwav - Colours by wavelength of visible light.
comprehensive - Symbols accessible from LaTeX.
confproc - A set of tools for generating conference proceedings.
context-simpleslides - A module for preparing presentations.
cool - COntent-Oriented LaTeX.
coordsys - Draw cartesian coordinate systems.
croatian - Fonts for Croatian Glagolitic and other Croatian scripts.
crop - Support for cropmarks.
crossreference - Crossreferences within documents.
csvsimple - Simple CSV file processing.
csvtools - Reading data from CSV files.
ctable - Easily typeset centered tables.
dateiliste - Extensions of the \listfiles concept.
delimtxt - Read and parse text tables.
disser - Class and templates for typesetting dissertations in Russian.
dlfltxb - Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX".
dpfloat - Support for double-page floats.
dvipdfmx - An extended version of dvipdfm.
dvipng - A fast DVI to PNG/GIF converter.
easy - A collection of easy-to-use macros.
ec - Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
eijkhout - Victor Eijkhout's packages.
endfloat - Move floats to the end with markers where they belong.
eplain - Extended plain tex macros.
epstopdf - Convert EPS to 'encapsulated' PDF using GhostScript.
eulervm - Euler virtual math fonts.
eurofont - Provides a command that prints a euro symbol.
exam - Package for typesetting exam scripts.
examplep - Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX.
expdlist - Expanded description environments.
fjodor - A selection of layout styles.
float - Improved interface for floating objects.
floatrow - Modifying the layout of floats.
fltpage - Place caption on an adjacent page.
fonttable - Print font tables from a LaTeX document.
fontwrap - Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks.
footmisc - A range of footnote options.
forarray - Using array structures in LaTeX.
fragments - Fragments of LaTeX code.
ftcap - Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment.
hepparticles - Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names.
here - Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats.
hvfloat - Rotating caption and object of floats independently.
hyplain - Basic support for multiple languages in Plain TeX.
inlinedef - Inline expansions within definitions.
interactiveworkbook - latex-based interactive PDF on the web
ionumbers - Restyle numbers in maths mode.
isodoc - A LaTeX class for the preparation of letters and invoices.
jknapltx - Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen.
kalender - Create a calendar, in German.
kerntest - Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings.
labels - Print sheets of sticky labels.
lacheck - LaTeX checker.
latex-bin - LaTeX executables and man pages.
latex-notes-zh-cn - Chinese Introduction to TeX and LaTeX.
layouts - Display various elements of a document's layout.
linegoal - A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line.
listing - Produce formatted program listings.
listings-ext - Automated input of source.
listliketab - Typeset lists as tables.
ltabptch - Bug fix for longtable.
luatexbase - Basic resource management for LuaTeX code.
makecell - Tabular column heads and multilined cells.
makedtx - Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
makeindex - Process index output to produce typesettable code.
mathpazo - Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino.
mathspic - A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX.
maybemath - Make math bold or italic according to context.
mcaption - Put captions in the margin.
mceinleger - Creating covers for music cassettes.
mftinc - Pretty-print Metafont source.
minitoc - Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section.
montex - Mongolian LaTeX.
morefloats - Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats.
ms - Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder.
nature - Prepare papers for the journal Nature.
nomentbl - Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
nonfloat - Non-floating table and figure captions.
notoccite - Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc.
numericplots - Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks.
numprint - Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary.
ocgtools - Manipulate OCG layers in PDF presentations.
ot-tableau - Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX.
pdfslide - Presentation slides using pdftex.
photo - A float environment for photographs.
pinlabel - A TeX labelling package.
pkfix-helper - Make PostScript files accessible to pkfix.
poemscol - Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry.
polytable - Tabular-like environments with named columns.
ppr-prv - Prosper preview.
pstricks - PostScript macros for TeX.
qtree - Draw tree structures.
refcheck - Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc).
rmpage - A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX.
rotating - Rotation tools, including rotated full-page floats.
rotfloat - Rotate floats.
sanskrit - Sanskrit support.
savefnmark - Save name of the footnote mark for reuse.
seqsplit - Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way.
shipunov - A collection of LaTeX packages and classes.
shorttoc - Table of contents with different depths.
sidecap - Typeset captions sideways.
simplecd - Simple CD, DVD covers for printing.
smalltableof - Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter.
songbook - Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books.
soul - Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more.
spreadtab - Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments.
startex - An XML-inspired format for student use.
statistik - Store statistics of a document.
subfig - Figures broken into subfigures
subfigure - Deprecated: Figures divided into subfigures.
subfloat - Sub-numbering for figures and tables.
supertabular - A multi-page tables package.
t1utils - Simple Type 1 font manipulation programs.
tableaux - Construct tables of signs and variations.
tablenotes - Notes in tables at end document.
tablor - Create tables of signs and of variations.
tabls - Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays.
tabularcalc - Calculate formulas in a tabular environment.
tabvar - Typesetting tables showing variations of functions.
talk - A LaTeX class for presentations.
tap - TeX macros for typesetting complex tables.
tds - The TeX Directory Structure standard.
tex - A sophisticated typesetting engine.
texdraw - Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
texinfo - Texinfo documentation system.
texlive-scripts - TeX Live infrastructure programs
texsis - Plain TeX macros for Physicists.
texworks - Cross-platform friendly front end.
threeparttable - Tables with captions and notes all the same width.
threeparttablex - Notes in longtables.
timetable - Generate timetables.
tocloft - Control table of contents, figures, etc.
tocvsec2 - Section numbering and table of contents control.
tools - The LaTeX standard tools bundle.
trivfloat - Quick float definitions in LaTeX.
variations - Typeset tables of variations of functions.
volumes - Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc.
widetable - An environment for typesetting tables of specified width
wrapfig - Produces figures which text can flow around.
xcolor - Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX.
xcomment - Allows selected environments to be included/excluded.
xdoc - Extending the LaTeX doc system.
xmltex - Support for parsing XML documents.
xmpincl - Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in PDFLaTeX.
xtab - Break tables across pages.
yannisgr - Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous.
ytex - Macro package developed at MIT.
which is way more than I expected. But it is inclusive.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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