[tex-live] beamer error (or supp-pdf.mkii error) ?

Uwe Siart usenet at siart.de
Tue Feb 16 11:33:17 CET 2010

Alessandro Languasco <languasc at gmail.com> writes:

> *geometry* driver: auto-detecting
> *geometry* detected driver: pdftex
> ./Untitled.tex:9: Undefined control sequence.
> \Gm at lmargin ->\Geom at lmargin 

It's unlikely that this is a TL problem. There's a posting on ctt that
reports the same error. Message-ID: <7tuc3aF4hpU1 at mid.individual.net>.
The latest release of geometry seems to break beamer. You may want to
contact the author of the geometry package about this.


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